Monday, February 20, 2012




()  原发性因素

1.                饮食因素,一些人饮食过少,食品过精过细,食物中的纤维素和水份不足,对肠道不能形成一定量的刺激,肠蠕动缓慢,不能及时将食物残渣推向直肠,在肠内停留时间延长,水份过多吸收而使粪便干燥。进入直肠后的粪便残渣因为量少,不能形成足够的压力去刺激神经感受细胞产生排便反射而引起便秘。

2.                排便动力不足,排便时不仅需要肛门括约肌的舒张、提肛肌向上向外牵拉,而且还需要膈肌下降、腹肌收缩、屏气用力来推动粪便排出。年老体弱、久病卧床、产后等,可因膈肌、腹肌、肛门括约肌收缩力减弱,腹压降低而使排便动力不足,使粪便排不干净,粪块残留,发生便秘。所以老年人多出现便秘。

3.                拖延大便时间,一些人把大便当作无关紧要,可早可迟的事,忽视定时排便的习惯;或因工作过忙、情绪紧张、旅行生活等,拖延了大便时间,使已到了直肠的粪便返回到结肠;或因患有肛裂和痔疮等肛门疾病、恐惧疼痛、害怕出血、不敢大便而拖长大便间隔时间。这都可能使直肠壁上的神经细胞对粪便进入直肠后产生的压力感受反应变迟钝,使粪便在直肠内停留时间延长而不引起排便感觉,形成习惯性便秘。

4.                水份损失过多大量出汗、呕吐、腹泻、失血及发热等均可使水份损失,代偿性引起粪便干结。
(二)  继发性因素

1.                器质性受阻肠管内发生狭窄或肠管外受到压迫时,如肠管良性和恶性肿瘤、慢性炎症所引起的肠腔狭窄变小、巨结肠症引起的直肠痉挛狭窄、手术后并发的肠粘连、部分性肠梗阻等,或腹腔内巨大肿瘤,如卵巢囊肿、子宫肌瘤,以及妊娠、腹水压迫大肠等,可控粪便通过受到障碍,在肠管内停留时间过长,形成便秘。近年来通过排便造影、肛肠测压、结肠传输时间测定、盆底肌电图等技术检查手段,发现了新的便秘类型,称出口处梗阻型便秘(或盆底肌功能不良)。特点是排便时盆底出口处出现梗阻因素,其中有些可经外科手术消除或缓解。出口处梗阻型便秘此处不作介绍,专业人士可进入出口处梗阻型便秘了解。

2.                大肠病变如过敏性结肠炎、大肠憩室炎、先天性巨结肠等疾病可引起大肠痉挛、运动失常,使粪便通过不畅而发生便秘。、

3.                药物影响服用碳酸钙、氢氧化铝、阿托品、普鲁本辛、吗啡、苯乙哌定、碳酸铋等,及铅、砷、汞、磷等金属中毒都可引起便秘。

4.                长期滥用泻药,使肠壁神经感受细胞的应激性降低,即使肠内有足量粪便,也不能产生正常蠕动及排便反射,因而导致顽固性便秘。

5.                精神因素精神上受到强烈刺激、惊恐、情绪紧张、忧愁焦虑或注意力高度集中某一工作等会使便意消失,形成便秘。

6.                另外还有神经系统障碍、内分泌紊乱、维生素缺乏等亦可引起便秘。








() 养成良好的饮食习惯和生活习惯

1、         多喝水。因为双歧杆菌在增殖过程中需要大量的水。另外,水溶性膳食纤维只有吸收更多的水分才能达到润肠的效果。







Saturday, February 4, 2012

How To Improve Your Digestive Health

Here’s how to improve
your digestive health.

Your digestive systems plays a major role in your overall health. It determines how much of the nutrition you take in your body actually gets to your cells. It’s partly responsible your blood sugar level.It also burn fat in and itself. Your digestive system is one of the most energy intensive processes in the body. Having a fast metabolism will help you burn fat, even you’re not working out.

Get a Mix of both soluble and insoluble fibers – Fidella™ Tone

Get a mix of both soluble and insoluble fibers. Fibers help the food in your body continue to move through your digestive system at a good pace. This prevents constipation and prevents food from moving through too quickly.

Insoluble fibers helps add bulk to stool, while soluble fibers absorbs water and reduces water content in stool. A mixture of both is importance for a health digestive system.

Eat Lean Meats
Get lean meats instead of fatty meats. Fatty meats clog up digestion. The fats can line the walls of your digestive tract, causing fewer nutrients to be absorbed. Lean meats on the other hand provide your body with healthy proteins, without blocking any aspect of the digestive system.  Lean meats include chicken, turkey, fish and trimmed pork or beef.

Eat at Regular Times
Your body likes to develop a rhythm. It likes to know when food’s coming. Instead of eating at irregular times, it helps to eat roughly the same amount of foods at the same time of the day.  For example, if you like to eat breakfast at 8.00am, lunch at 1.00pm and dinner at 7.00pm with a small snack between breakfast and lunch, that’s great. Just stick to that schedule. The schedule itself isn’t as importance as the fact that you have consistency day to day.

Don’t Eat Late at Night
One of worse things you could do for your digestive system is to eat late at night.  When you eat late at night, the undigested food essentially sits in your digestive system while you sleep. During sleep, most of your digest functions shut down or wind down, meaning most of your foo just stays in a warm and wet environment overnight. That can cause gases to form, foods to decay and even fermentation. In short. it’s very bad for your stomach to have food left still digesting when you go to bed. Try not to eat anything at least 3 hours before bed.

Chew Thoroughly
Your mouth is an importance part of the digestive process. The saliva you mouth produces bind with the foods in your mouth. The stomach then uses that bound compound to determine kind of acids and bases to use to digest your food. If you don’t chew thoroughly, you’re giving your stomach a very hard time. “These are few of the most importance things to pay attention to when it comes to digestive health. If you take care of your digestive health, it’ll take care of you in return by helping you to get more nutrition, burning fat and increasing your energy level”

“These are few of the most importance things to pay attention to when it comes to digestive health. If you take care of your digestive health, it’ll take care of you in return by helping you to get more nutrition, burning fat and increasing your energy level”

Trust Fidella™…………...

(Articles By:  Miss Sharon Too)